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Monday, December 20, 2010

Is Your Sales Force Working Strategically?

Are they using databases to keep track of important client information?

If so, is the database normalized in order to prevent data redundancy? Data redundancy happens when the data in a field is repeated in two or more tables/queries.

If not, a database can provide a client profile to keep track of products used, client preferences (e.g. 2 of the staff are vegetarian, which helps in planning lunches). It can also provide sales reports, productivity results, monthly sales data, data comparison to find lost business and also show income opportunities.

If you have Microsoft Access, I can create a meaningful database that will add to your bottom line profits. During my tenure in Medical Sales, I used databases extensively to strategically plan my call route (based on client ranking), classify my clients (A, B, C, D, E) in order to know right away who my top clients are. The top 20% of clients usually account for 80% of sales.

Here is an example of an Access database where I wrote SQL script for a Union query in order to join several tables. Each table is labeled Monday, Tuesday, etc. and I joined them to show a weeks worth of client data. The week represented my call cycle. I kept track of what "goodies" my clients liked so they knew I was thinking of them and appreciated their business. It may be a bit of work to set up, which I can do for you. But by managing my database daily as part of my strategy implementation, I was able to grow from #32 to #1 (tied with another MRI Center) in only EIGHT months.

Figure 1 Example of a Union Query results: (Click to enlarge)

Figure 2 below depicts a Switchboard that has all of the tasks that I may want to do. NOTE: There is a security warning at the top. This is expected since the database contains Macros. Wikipedia defines a macro as follows:

"A macro (from the Greek μάκρο for "big" or "far") in computer science is a rule or pattern that specifies how a certain input sequence (often a sequence of characters) should be mapped to an output sequence (also often a sequence of characters) according to a defined procedure. The mapping process that instantiates (transforms) a macro into a specific output sequence is known as macro expansion.

The term originated with the idea of macro instruction for assembler programs, to make available to the programmer a sequence of computing instructions as a single program statement, making the programming task less tedious and less error-prone.[1][2] Macros often allow positional or keyword parameters that dictate what the conditional assembler program generates and have been used to create entire programs or program suites according to such variables as operating system, platform or other factors."

Since I wrote these macros and they are not a virus (thus the reason for the Security Warning), I will select the "Enable" option by clicking "Options", and then select the "Enable" radio button to enable the macros that I wrote in the database. (Click to enlarge)
Once I have enabled the macros, my Switchboard looks like this: (Click twice to view it's original size.)
The Florida record below as a "Duplicate Record" button. This is to make a copy of the record so that a new client from that facility may be entered without RETYPING the address, phone, etc. Notice that you can view a table, preview reports, and print reports.This was created in Access 2003. I have other databases that I have utilized Access 2007 and 2010. They look different.

Here is an example of a Switchboard created in Access 2010: (Click twice to view it's original size.)
This Switchboard is from my database "Farmville Crop Mastery". I will discuss more about this in the next thread.